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Reading 3

Learn To Code, Code To Learn

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Mitchell Resnick is a leading programmer at MIT. He and his team created the very popular 'Scratch' programming application. This was created for the purpose of teaching children how to code. Resnick believes that coding is a form of writing and that children from an early age should learn to write,therefore they should also learn to code.


Scratch has been a popular coding application since 2007. It's appealing for both children and adults and is used not only for teaching code but also assisting in creating various form of digital media. To this day, more than 4.5 million projects have been shared on the Scratch website, demonstrating the growth the need for learning programming and the ubiquity of technology in the 21st century.


Scratch is a brilliant applicaton that in the coming years will most likely be a major part of primary and secondary education. Therefore it is important that as teachers we are aware of such applications as a means of broadening the minds of little future programmers!


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